Diary of Foot and Chair: (*) Foot is feeling a bit better today

Saturday, September 11

(*) Foot is feeling a bit better today

Foot's scalp has been very sore... the recurring eczema, you know... he's tried some new special shampoo, but all it's really done is make his scalp smell piteously! Part of the yuck is that it 'weeps' when it gets bad, and with this stuff the weeping smells horrid! Gesus! Sorbolene Cream helps soothe and take the pong away (foot hates having to spend time hibernating in his bedroom as a result, tho), and after a day or two it all settles down again. I'm sure, I'm sure that's all waaaay too much information, but as no-one ever reads this, it's doesn't matter anyway! pmsl!

Foot is well, tho... big toe has recovered about 95% to his threatening ingrown toenail on his right foot... just the last remains of the slight infection remain now. And yes, ingrown on left big toe - the toenail almost came off the other day - well, it's almost 2 years, so it's probably past due...

Toe has been tapping along to "Derek and the Dominos - Layla" since last night - he even fell asleep listening to it. Right now it's tapping away happily to the background burble of Sting's ''...all this time".

~ Foot'n'Chair ~
What we have not named or beheld as a symbol escapes our notice ~ W.H. Auden

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