Diary of Foot and Chair: Diary of a Foot

Thursday, September 1

Diary of a Foot

Dear Diary
You may have been wondering why I have not written in such a long time. Well the answer is the obvious one - I am a foot, and feet cannot write, dickhead! I have to chanel my thoughts telepathically (or something... maybe it's just cause I kicj 'him in the butt enuff he getts of his arse and does something... where was I...?) so I can induce the three-toe sluggard to actually write something - anyhting - in my diary. And why? Because us feet are unappreciated, that's why! It's a farking crime, i tells ya! hang on, let me just have a scratch...

Like I was saying, the value of feet in the western hemesphere is highly underregarded and counted for little - until someone stubs their big toe on the foot of their bed or something - it's just disserts, that's what it is.

Let me just suck on some foot powder for a tick... ahh, that's better.

The shoes are revolting - mind you, they always have been.

I think it's time to switch back to the way of the previous past, that of nakedness in footwaer... except when it's like 1 degree a the moment - frostbite becomes like a real consideration, you swell...

Why am I writing any of this? It's simple realy - just to keep this blog open, until I can think of something to use it for. Until then:


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