Diary of Foot and Chair: (*) The Day of the sleeping foot

Tuesday, September 14

(*) The Day of the sleeping foot

I don't know if my soles saw the ground until later this arvo today - not good. How are we ever going to get any exercise at this rate? The weather was wonderful out there, but the sun-thing was waaaay across on the wrong end of the sky by the time we got our $#it together today. Oh well... somedays are good uns, and then you have days like today... pmsl!

"I'm happy tonight", says Foot, "In a nice worn yet warming pair of ol' black socks, with fading elastic and heels, but comfort factor is a biggie here. Comfort and warmth - everything seems in be in order..."

Chair adds this report: "Another day of isolation - I feel emptiness when I'm ignored the way I have been today. Altho the warming comfort of a nicely padded pair of buns on my seat are making up for any sense of loss for earlier - thankfully. My pillow cover has even seen the internal configuration of a washing machine AND the sunshine for a few hours - a miracle in itself (possible...)... things must be looking up. Even my squeak seems to have healed itself this evening - joyousness!"

~ Foot'n'Chair ~
What we have not named or beheld as a symbol escapes our notice ~ W.H. Auden

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