Diary of Foot and Chair: Man Sues Over Moved Casino Chair

Thursday, October 7

Man Sues Over Moved Casino Chair

Plumber Says He Suffered Brain Damage
POSTED: 10:34 am EDT October 5, 2004

BOSTON -- A Brewster, Mass., plumber lost in Las Vegas but he says it's the casino's fault.

Timothy Calkins claimed in a federal lawsuit that an employee at Harrah's Rio Casino "negligently and carelessly" stole his chair without his knowledge at the roulette tables.

It was August 2002. Calkins went to sit down, but the chair was gone. He fell backward and slammed his head on a gaming table behind him.

The Boston Herald reported that the 49-year-old claims he suffered brain damage, including short-term memory loss. He said he has headaches, back and neck pain. The lawsuit said the fall was caught on videotape. No dollar figure cited. A spokesman for Harrah's wouldn't comment.

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