Diary of Foot and Chair: Flying chair breaks nose

Thursday, September 16

Flying chair breaks nose

After Chair Toss, Injured Woman Weighs Lawsuit
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, September 16, 2004

AKLAND, Calif., Sept. 15 (AP) - The woman whose nose was broken when Texas reliever Frank Francisco threw a chair into the stands said Wednesday that she plans to seek compensation once prosecutors and baseball officials complete their investigation.

Francisco made his initial appearance in court Wednesday after the police booked him on a charge of felony aggravated assault.

The Alameda County assistant district attorney, Norbert Chu, said he needed more time before deciding whether to charge Francisco.

Jennifer Bueno, 41, appeared with her husband, Craig, at a news conference with a white bandage covering her nose and purple rings under her eyes.

During the Texas loss to Oakland on Monday, Francisco threw a chair into the right-field seats and hit two spectators. Craig Bueno acknowledged that he had been part of "bantering" with the Rangers, but said there were "no swear words.''

See more of the story here!

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